Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
Dynamic Magic
A lad brought up in Bradford
Puts on a magic show
Astonishing his audience
The name is Dynamo
His grandfather inspired him
He’s managed Crohn's disease
And on his worldwide travels
He entertained with ease
We've seen him walk on water
And down a building side
Make many items disappear
With no sleeves where to hide
Put phones inside a bottle
Switch Fanta into Coke
And vanish when he's finished
Just like a puff of smoke
His hands too hot to handle
Can water turn to ice
He'll shuffle cards for countless tricks
And read minds in a thrice
Glass can prove no obstacle
And windows he'll walk through
Pour fish from empty buckets
Just amazing but it's true
He foretold every Euro score
Then proved it with a bet
Gave proceeds all to charity
Perhaps his best deed yet
We've seen him open tattooed eyes
Move objects from afar
Make butterflies take instant wing
Drive blindfold in a car
He loves to us astonish
Then simply walk away
"Now did he really do that?"
His audience will say
The streets become his theatre
He'll talk to passersby
Then make an object leave his hands
And reappear nearby
He's just at home with children
As mingling with the stars
At ease in dusty shanty towns
Or dazzling in bars
In Rio he ascended
Before the tourists' gaze
From continent to continent
Ne'er ceases to amaze
He takes initialled coinage
And fuses it to one
Moves a white band from a wrist
That had been marked by sun
He'll finger frame then rub his hands
For photo to appear
Baffling the bystanders
But how it's never clear
Pours fluid into beakers
Which empty then become
Estimates a wallet’s coins
And picks the exact sum
We've seen a necklace swallowed
Then pulled out through his skin
Credit card he's altered
And come up with its pin
Took Olympic medal
That's fashioned from pure gold
And then made out ‘twas chocolate
When edging did unfold
Cut wristlet through with scissors
And then made whole again
Astounding every watcher
Their disbelief made plain
Some say there is no magic
It's only sleight of hand
And what we see is trickery
But they don't understand
That it is good in these fraught times
To just belief suspend
So here's to hoping, Dynamo,
Your talents will not end.