Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
Cuckoo Days
From Berrow Church across the dunes towards the tide-swept beach
With flotsam nudged up on the shore 'til it lies out of reach
Where dogs run freely in the sun and masters call in vain
And sticks are fetched and quickly dropped before they're thrown again
Where eels have left ghost tracery round pink shells pressed in sand
And names that have withstood the waves still show their authors' hand
Where early trippers claim their pitch and happy children call
As fathers unload seats and rugs to find that bat and ball
Inside immobile homes and tents the families awake
And youngsters champing for the off while breakfasts mothers make
Beneath the hill the cafe waits with smells to tempt the tongue
And metal stallions gird their loins to carry jockeys young
Ahead the climb to stand atop where Celtic Man once chose
To make his home and build his tribe while scanning seas for foes
Within the shelter of the rocks the goats still gently graze
Protected from the heat of day and from the public gaze
From below the alien screech of bright-plumed cockatoo
Mingles with the seabird calls against the dome of blue
Brisk walkers snake towards the fort where Frenchmen toiled through gales
To build defences 'gainst their kin within the sight of Wales
Out in the Channel past the isles where Vikings made their base
Container ships of motor cars surge through the tidal race
The Quantocks rim one skyline yet hold within their sweep
An ugly nuclear blockhouse with dangers in its keep
The Weston piers stand grandly behind the sails of red
And speedboats stitch between the waves while gulls wheel overhead
From old Brean Down to seaside town a curve of shimmering bay
With bluebell haze and cuckoo days to greet the month of May.