Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
Global Warning
Image: Reuters
Worldwide scenes of death and chaos
Destruction caused by flood and fire
Could mankind wreck this perfect haven?
Be really destined to expire ?
The fuels that powered our fast expansion
It seems they came with hidden price
Warming up Earth's cloaking layer
Melting polar caps of ice
Heatwaves in the Northern regions
Weeks of rainfall in a day
Rising seas to threaten islands
Which fail to keep the tides at bay
Mudslides crushing homes and bridges
Cars swept off in waters' race
Storms which once were in a lifetime
Today it seems are commonplace
Industry that spurred our progress
Needed now to rein us in
Carbon neutral is the target
Towards that goal we must begin
Greta sparked the world's awareness
Youngsters rallied to her call
A future safe upon their planet
Is surely what we owe them all.