Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
April Canal Walking
From Cheshire into Shropshire
From Shropshire into Wales
Walking to Llangollen
The beauty never fails
Beside canal lay sprinkled
Primrose and celandine
Perfect yellow petals
The earthen path to line
Starbursts of hawthorn blossom
Fresh drapes of willow green
Birdsong in the hedgerows
All grace this country scene
Pairs of ducks a-floating
Close by each ardent drake
Time to be a-breeding
A hidden nest to make
Pure white the wood anemone
Across the wayside spills
Reflected in calm waters
The waving daffodils
Along a quiet section
Cowslips spring a surprise
While from a hidden waterway
A startled heron flies
High up in the budding trees
The long-tailed tits at play
Chiff-chaffs a background soundtrack
To gentle April day.