Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
In Memory of Edith Cavell
She went to school in Clevedon
But there’s much more to tell
About the Great War heroine
The brave Edith Cavell
Her teachers here in Elton Road
Could never have foreseen
The gift she gave to nursing
And what her life would mean
She trained at first in London
Then others knew her care
Ministering to those in need
It didn’t matter where
At home when war was started
She knew her duty lay
Miles away in Brussels
And there would bravely stay
To all with wounds she tended
No matter friend or foe
And others she would help escape
And off to freedom go
Betrayed then by a traitor
The captors faced with calm
Her only crime to help the sick
And others save from harm
Yet Edith still was sentenced
To death by firing squad
Her faith she kept right to the end
And placed her soul with God
Her martyrdom caused outrage
Her name became well known
At Westminster a service
And then the journey home
To Norfolk where she’s buried
In Norwich at Life’s Green
Alongside the cathedral
With yearly tributes seen
For one whose life’s example
Continues to inspire
Those drawn to take up nursing
And to her deeds aspire.