Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
At start of 2020
'Fore virus came to be
A scourge across our country
Who'd heard of PPE?
The gloves and gowns and face masks
That now are commonplace
And there on each news bulletin
Subject of global chase
But those in power weren't powerless
They should have made their plans
Not carried on regardless
And just said - Wash your hands
You might blame it on Brexit
For making them miss signs
Of looming world pandemic
Not reading 'tween the lines
But they'd ignored prior warnings
And should have been prepared
Not leave us unprotected
So nurses became scared
That as they tended to the sick
They too could then succumb
Brave doctors running ICU
More victims would become
When crisis is behind us
A reckoning there should be
One thing is very certain
We'll all rate PPE.