Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
Friends' Wishes for Maureen & Ken's Wedding
Sharing Pimms and punting
Sharing country walks
Sharing theatre outings
Sharing cosy talks
Sharing games and broken ribs
Sharing laughs and tears
We started in a tavern bar
And go back many years
We'd love to share your wedding
We'd love to be there when
Our Maureen is a bride again
Alongside our friend Ken
Her decor sense is plain to see
And his designs on her
He's saddled with her now for sure
No other he'd prefer
Yet we'll be there in spirit
When you two tie the knot
With Sally as the Eiger Girls'
Observer on the spot
She'll shed a tear by proxy
Our confetti she will throw
She'll drink a toast or two or three
But just so that you'll know
That though our name is secret
An acronym obscure
No secret is our wish for you
A love that will endure.