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Ken's 70th Birthday

There’s nothing that’s beyond our Ken

A tower of strength, a giant ‘mongst men

He took up arms to guard our Queen

His arms now guard the fair Maureen

His saddles have known seats of fame

Like you-know-who and what’s-er-name

He even sold them outdoor gear

At discount prices? – oh, no fear

And now that he has ceased to ride

You’ll find him out with Lab at side

A pensioner of modest means

His simple home’s not all it seems

A palace fit for OAPs

Where he and she can take their ease

And contemplate their garden scenes

While he lays plans for peas and beans

With such a perfect cosy home

You’d never think he’d want to roam

And yet he can’t resist the lure

Of foreign lands and bright brochure

And as he vows, No, never more

With case in hand he’s out the door

So happy birthday to you, Ken

To three score you have added ten

We wish you health, we wish you glee

And lots of tots of ol’ Jack D!

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